Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email

Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email

Thank you so much
Great share .
Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email
Good JOB !
Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email
Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email
Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email
Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email
Merhaba arkadaşım!
Aramıza katıldığın için mutluyum. Bu dosyayı indirmek için lütfen yararlı bir ileti dizisi gönderin. Dosyanızı paylaşmaya başlayın, burada birçok ücretsiz dosya alacaksınız
Dosya adı : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Test Edildi

Windows 7 pro veya 8 pro veya 10 pro 64 bit çalıştırdığınızdan emin olun!
Sadece ingilizce işletim sistemi konusunda yardımcı olabilirim.
Başka hiçbir volvo ptt yüklemesi olmayan yeni bir bilgisayar olmalıdır.
Tüm Windows güncellemeleri yapılmalıdır.
UAC'yi kapattığınızdan emin olun

Kullanıcı hesabı kontrolünü kapat
Tüm Windows güncellemelerinin yapıldığından emin olun
Tüm dosyaları masaüstüne çıkarın

Aşama 1
techtoolinstaller_dev.reg'i çalıştırın
Adım 2
setclient id'yi yönetici olarak çalıştırın, id için 179781'i koyun ve yeni'yi tıklayın
fido kurulum sırasında kimlik istediğinde aynısını kullanın
Aşama 3
Şimdi önkoşulları tıklayın ve çalıştırın, hepsi için tamam'ı tıklayın ve istendiğinde kimliği girin
Adım 4
MainInstallationPackages.cmd'yi çalıştırın
Hepsini bitir
Adım 5
Bitirdikten sonra techtool'u açmalı ve kapatmalısınız.
sonra bilgisayarı yeniden başlat
Yeniden başlattıktan sonra, istemci güncelleyiciyi çalıştırırsınız ve tüm güncellemeleri alırsınız "uzun zaman alır"
PC'yi yeniden başlat

Artık Aktif Olmadan Dizüstü Bilgisayarda Volvo PTT 2.5.87 var. lütfen kullanmadan önce aşağıdaki aktif talimatı yavaşça okuyun

Aktif volvo PTT 2.5.87

1. zzz dosyasını ve .exe'yi C'ye kopyalayın:

2. Yönetici zzz.cmd'de açın

3.Teknik aracı açın ve kapatın!! bu adım çok önemli!!!

4. C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login içindeki oturum açma dosyasını değiştirin

5. Servise Git (yerel)

6.Volvo Tech Tool Servis Kontrolörünü Durdurun

7. C'ye gidin: yöneticide zzzz.exe'yi açın

8. Kimliği seçin ve devlopper modunu ayarlayın, ardından yeni tuşla Greate BD'ye basın

9.go C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD ve C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR içindeki APCI+ 2018'i değiştirin
10. Kopyalayın ve Veri klasöründeki apcidb.dll dosyasını C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus konumuna kopyalayın
11 Veri klasöründeki m9apcidb dosyasını C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD konumuna kopyalayın ve değiştirin
12. hizmete girmek
13.Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller ve Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common'ı başlatın
14. bitiş

aracılığıyla bana ulaşabilirsiniz.
Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email
Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email
Hello friend !
I am happy whn you joined with us . To download this file , please poste some helpful thread . Begin share your file you will get many free file here
File name : Volvo PTT Development 2.5.87 Full Crack with Devtool - Tested

Make sure running windows 7 pro or 8 pro or 10 pro 64 bit!
I can only assist in a english operating system.
Must be a fresh pc with no other installs of volvo ptt.
All windows updates must be done.
Make sure to turn off UAC

Turn off user account control
Make sure all windows updates are done
Extract all files to desktop

Step 1
run techtoolinstaller_dev.reg
Step 2
Run setclient id as admin put 179781 for id and click new
when fido asks for id during install use same
Step 3
Now click and run prerquisites click ok to all and put id in when requested
Step 4
Run MainInstallationPackages.cmd
Finish it all
Step 5
After finish you must open techtool and close
then reboot pc
Ater reboot you run client updater and take all updates "takes a long time"
Reboot pc again

Now you have Volvo PTT 2.5.87 in Laptop without Active . please read slowly the active intruction below before using

Active volvo PTT 2.5.87

1.Copy zzz file and .exe to C:

2.Open in administrator zzz.cmd

3.Open tech tool and close!! this step is very important!!!

4.Replace login file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\Login

5.Go in Service(local)

6.Stop Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller

7.Go in C: open zzzz.exe in administrator

8.Chose ID and put devlopper mode then Press Greate BD with new key

9.go replace APCI+ 2018 in C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD and C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\DtR
10 . Copy then Replace apcidb.dll in Data folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\Tech Tool\Tech Tool\ApciPlus
11 Copy and replace m9apcidb in Data folder to C:\ProgramData\Tech Tool\Waf\OtD
12.go in service
13.start Volvo Tech Tool Service Controller and Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN Common
14. finish

ANy question you can cantact me by Whatsapp : +84973722587 website : Email